Discussion on Medicine River Scout Center

At the next District Meeting on Sept. 2 we will have a discussion and district vote to determine our future plans for Medicine River Scout Center.  Any individual who wishes to express an opinion to the committee should attend this meeting and be heard.  This has been a project now three years-plus in the making and has many pros and cons.  As a district, we will need to determine whether it is more an asset or a liability to our local program and whether we have the appetite and resources to complete the rehabilitation and future maintenance of this large property, or not.  I will be guaging the council’s interest this weekend at the council board meeting.  As the new District Chair, I will no longer be able to function as the chairman of the Medicine River Scout Center Development Committee.  We will therefore need someone to step forward to occupy that role.  I am happy to advise and participate in the effort to rehab and maintain the site, if the district committee decides to support it.  Please consider carefully the costs and benefits of this project.  Also, please inform anyone who may be interested in leadership in this project to contact me.

Sincerely,  Peter Jennings   District Chairman  Lewis and Clark District  cell 868-3574

5 thoughts on “Discussion on Medicine River Scout Center

  1. My two cents; the MRSC is a very good asset and a net positive to Scouting in Great Falls. Let’s be honest, it isn’t an exciting place to camp. However, as a permanent home for Cub Day Camp and a low cost and easy place to accomplish Troop/Pack camp outs, adult trainings, etc., it is a wonderful resource.

  2. I agree with Aaron. Pack 14 uses it often in the summer and the younger boys like it out there.

    However, I don’t feel I can make an informed decision without knowing all the facts. How much does it cost to run? Does the city require us to do anything specific regarding the lease? Your post makes it sound like there could be a lot of cons that most of us are unaware of. Can we possibly find out those facts before the meeting?

  3. Paul,
    I attempted to publish an update on the District Meeting, MRSC and the calendar last night but failed for some reason. It will go out tonight. In it I propose starting the district meeting at 6:30 since we no longer have OA on the same night. We can discuss making this a more permanent change at the Sept. 2 meeting itself. Peter

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